Moray Wehab LMSW - Psychotherapist


Moray Wehab Moray has worked in the field of social work in the Detroit and Downriver area for over 15 years. His work experience includes Families First, Clinical Therapy, Crisis Counseling, and School Social Work

Degrees & Certifications

  • Moray has a Master's in Social Work degree from the University of Michigan (1997) and is a fully Licenced Clinical Social Worker in the State of Michigan
  • He also currently works as a school social worker

Target Population & Expertise

Treats adults, adolescence, and children 9+ years. He specializes in the treatment of depression, anxiety, ADHD, relationship issues, school problems, and issues relating to poor motivation and self-esteem Treatment modalities include individual counselling, couples, and family therapy.

Special Expertise

Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and Panic Disorders.
